Big Al's Pizza: Generous Sauce and Cheese at a Low Price
Overall rating: 7 Pizzas out of 10
The Delivery: 0 Pizzas out of 10
Delivery Facts: The delivery girls car broke down before we called and she was making deliveries on orders already taken using the manager's car but no others till she got her car fixed. We found the managers attitude so pleasant and kind when he told us this story we decided to go pick up the pizza ourselves.
Time Warning: They might not be able to deliver a pizza due to car problems: see above.
The Pick-up: We called ahead so our order would be ready.
Order Placed: 5:29pm
Promised: 20 minutes
Pizza Ready: 5:49pm
Actual Preparation Time: 20 minutes It took us 20 minutes to get there and the pizza was ready when we arrived.
The Pizza: 7 Pizzas out of 10
Pizza Style: Pizza Americana
Generous amounts of cheese and sauce. Big Al's pizza can be divided up into two sections; part 1 is where the cheese is and that part of the pizza is thinner due to the weight of the cheese pressing down on the crust (they put a healthy amount of cheese on their Pizza); and part 2 is where the cheese ends and the crust end begins and that crust is full and fluffy. It makes for nice looking pizza for the eyes to take in.
Salty: Al's pizza, like most local pizza, is salty.
The crust is fluffy and moist at the ends, chewy in the center, perhaps a bit undercooked in the crust, but that may vary by each pie. The dough tasted a bit bland for us.
The sauce is herby and smooth and generous, but unevenly spread out so within one slice you will have bites that have too much sauce and some bites that are sauceless.
Bonus: Best Value in Town Big Al's prices are some of the lowest in town - and are a welcome relief for those, like college kids, that are on a tight budget.
Big Al's Pizza is located at 1103 Danby Rd (in the QuickStop) in Ithaca, NY
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